About My Books

The Evidence of Things Unseen

In this being the author’s first publication, it has the objective of being a memoir combined with lessons learned from thirty years of ministry in various evangelical communities of faith. “The Evidence of Things Unseen – Faith Revealed in a Family, a Community, and a Nation” describes faith usually being first initiated through the family experience, then developed through our experiences in the various faith communities. Because of the politicization of faith today, we often develop views of our nation and its governance that conflict with the biblical principles that are taught in the development of our faith. This writing helps the reader navigate through these conflicts of our contemporary faith experience. Filled with touching anecdotes from the ministry, the classroom, and the workplace it is a fast read that will move your heart and give you a new perspective of faith.

Faith for the Times

Our nation is currently in a perilous time of division which includes our communities of faith. Unique in the sense that issues of faith are being used by many secular and sacred sources to exploit the divide of our nation further. Perilous if left unchecked, our nation could move to civil war. “Faith for the Times – From the Shadows into the Marvelous Light” first describes the main issues facilitating the division in our nation’s faith communities. Then methods to heal the divide supported by anecdotes and experiences from thirty years of ministry.

The division in our nation is threefold: political, social, and civil. This has been facilitated by a concerned political effort targeting faith communities in social and civil issues. This divide is achieved by describing the “shadows of faith” that exist in evangelical communities permitting different political, social, and civil views from similar communities of faith. Ironically, the solution to close the divide will have to come through faith. This is a read that will move your heart and give you a new perspective of unity for our collective faith.

When Liberty Enslaves

There is a common experience between our experiences today and those before the Civil War many years ago.  The effect of the intersection of faith and politics during these two experiences has had on the elections and governance of our nation is uncanny in their similarities.  Both times an election insurrection was stopped by the sitting vice president.  During both times, people of the same faith were on both sides of the day’s social issues, claimed God’s favor, and were willing to divide the nation over those competing positions.  

          Part 1 of this writing focuses on the Civil War era and how liberty centered around the issue of equality.  Some people of faith believed all men were equal, some did not.  This issue is described in five chapters as follows.   An Overview of the Times Past; The Land of the Free; Liberty for All; The Decision to Divide; The Pathology of Violence.

          Part 2 focuses on our present times and how liberty centers on the sanctity of life concerning abortion and gun control.  Concerning abortion, faith has been used to fuel a political outcome that has reversed a freedom that has existed in our nation for decades.  Consequently, some feel enslaved by the liberty of others.  Concerning gun control, many feel subjected to violence while shopping, worshipping, and attending school.  Again, some feel enslaved because of the liberty of others.  These issues are addressed in five chapters: An Overview of Times Present; The Land of the Partially Free; Liberty Under Siege; Information Warfare; and In God We No Longer Trust.

          Part 3 describes methods for closing the divide in our nation beginning with the faith communities.  The five chapters are Evangelicals – Who Are They; A Common Identity; Seeing One Another; Fixing What is Broken; and Finding Liberty.